Aron Kiehne – Vote Yes

My name is Aron Kiehne; you may know me as the recent Windsor High School class of 2024 valedictorian. I am writing today to ask for your support in passing the proposed town budget. This is vitally important to the educational success of our students as well as the overall prosperity of the town.

Due to previous budget cuts, we have already seen massive impacts on students in Windsor. Last year, the number of classes taught by each teacher was reduced, eliminating many long-cherished programs from our course selection, including Creative Dance and Yearbook Production. Or department head positions were also consolidated & eliminated, reducing the cohesiveness & leadership within core subjects like science, English, and mathematics. These department heads supervised teachers, helping them to improve their teaching skills and ensuring that all students are treated fairly. Now, when the same administrator is looking over both math and PE classes, how can we be sure that students are receiving the quality education they need?

If the budget is reduced any further, the costs for students will be even more drastic. Already we have heard discussions of cutting the Alternative Education program, which provides crucial support to students with 504 plans and IEPs — those that have difficulties in traditional learning/classroom environments. This is only what I have heard from the high school, and there will surely be more cuts to come.

If the goal of cutting the budget is to promote economic growth and reduce taxpayer costs, we will be sorely disappointed. The truth is, strong schools are the key to growth in our town. Strong public schools attract new families, who buy homes, cars, shop, eat, and drink at our local businesses, and participate in numerous community events (like the recent Shad Derby). New families form the basis of Windsors’ vibrant community, and without them, the town will wither. Property values will decline due to waning demand, local businesses will stagnate – we will lose the Windsor we know and love.

So, if you were planning to vote ‘no,’ this upcoming referendum, or had not planned to vote at all, I highly recommend you to reconsider. Vote yes, for the future of this town. Windsor needs your help, and it starts at the ballot box.