Ayana Taylor – Vote Yes

Vote Yes for our students, families, and our future.

On Tuesday, June 18th, Windsor voters have the chance to protect our students and the vital services that they and their families depend on. If this budget does not pass and a $0 net increase in expenditures takes effect, there will be catastrophic consequences for our students. Read the list below and ask yourself what you think our youth – who have been through so much in the past five years – can do without.

  • Eliminating three full-time positions at Windsor High School, two full-time positions at Clover Street School, and two full-time positions at Sage Park.
  • Cuts to library hours and the elimination of the tutoring program at the library.
  • Two math interventionalists gone from Poquonock Elementary School and Oliver Ellsworth Elementary School.
  • The dismantling of our Social Emotional Learning program with the elimination of nine full-time positions.

We all know that this budget cycle has been a challenging one and that we feel the impacts of inflation in our own lives. The Democrats on the Board of Education and the Town Council have been working hard to keep spending under control while maintaining investments in our future – including the future of our most precious resource, our children. Windsor Democrats will also continue to advocate for more state funding and a fix to our broken education funding system, which is one of the key reasons I am running for State Senate.

As we saw from the results of the vote on May 14th, every single vote matters. Make your plan to vote yes on Tuesday, June 18th to show your support for our students, families, and the wellbeing of all Windsor residents.

Ayana Taylor

Vice President, Windsor Board of Education