Joseph Zepperi – Vote No

My name is Joe Zepperi and I’ve lived in Windsor for the past 25 years! On May 14th there was a referendum to vote on the Town of Windsor budget. The vote was 1024 Yes and 1028 No!

That’s a total of 2052 votes; there are 22,079 registered voters in our town! That means 9.29% of the total voters determined the outcome, if my math is correct! If the math hold up that means YOUR VOTE will COUNT AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE! VOTE! I’m voting NO because I believe cuts can and should be made!

By the way, I DON’T like PAYING TAXES! They’re a necessary evil, but I still don’t like paying them! I could move to another Town like Wethersfield and pay more taxes and those higher taxes might include refuse removal and other niceties that we don’t get here in Windsor!